January 7, 2019 Board Meeting Minutes

Fish/Royer Lake Association Board Meeting Minutes

The lake association board met on Monday, January 7, 2019 at

1350 S 525 E, LaGrange. Present were Erik Pearson, Nancy
Block, David McIntosh (by phone), Skip Swopes, Pam Deetz, Jay Benak, Jenny Walker and John Walker. The meeting was
called to order at 9:12 am.

The minutes of the November meeting had been emailed out previously. One correction was made to the
wording on the ticket for the upcoming fundraiser. Nancy then moved to accept the minutes, Skip seconded, and
the minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report:
The treasurer’s report was emailed out previously. Expenditures include: Fish Stocking: $7857.00; Scholarship:
$400; Sign Printing: $26.00; Website Annual Fee: $167.18; Newsletter Printing: $154.00; Legion Fee for
Fundraiser: $ 1380.00; Bank Checks: $ 27.00; Equipment: $587.13; Lagrange Printing Company: $26.72 for a total
of $10,859.06. The current balance is as follows: General fund: $1909.84; Fish Stocking Fund: $3733.00; Buoy
Fund: $65.00, for a total of $5707.84.
Skip moved to accept the Treasurer’s report, Nancy seconded, and the report was approved.

Dave Schnieders provided postcards with a picture of the lake and the name of the association for
correspondence. Dave sent out thank yous.

5013C status:
Documents needed for the application for the 501C3 were sent from Rachel Tran, attorney, to the board for
approval, including updated by laws, the form 1023, conflict of interest form with supplement and form to be
signed by the officers, and a form 2848 (Power of Attorney). As these were just received this morning, the board
will review and vote to approve via email within 48 hours.
Discussion was held regarding some of the details of requirements for reporting as we move forward with
obtaining and maintaining our 501C3 status. We will be classified as A2.
Forms needing to be signed by the officers will be completed and returned to the attorney ASAP.

Liability Insurance:
A quote of @ $250 for liability insurance for the association and board was received from Ron Hostetler
After discussion, Skip moved that we purchase this insurance, Pam seconded, and the motion was carried. The
treasurer will provide payment, Erik will sign the paperwork and the insurance will go into effect when payment
is received.

Fly Creek Clean Up:
Many trees are down and the creek is in dire need of clean up. Erik spoke with Jared of the surveyor’s office, and
the Army Corps of Engineers has given us permission to proceed with clean up. We will be financially
compensated for doing this work. Jay has purchased some equipment to help with handling the logs, and it will
be our responsibility to clear and maintain a path to continue to be able to do this.
Volunteers are needed to meet on January 25th
and 26th to do this work. They will meet at 8:00 am on 1/25 at
Maplewood, and are to bring chainsaws if possible, and trucks or trailers if volunteers wish to take the wood for their use. Information will be in the newsletter and on Facebook and the website.

March 2, 2019 Fundraiser:
This fundraiser will include heavy hors d’oeuvres with coffee and tea from 6-8 pm, a cash bar, raffles, door prizes
and silent auction, and entertainment (DJ and Karaoke) from 8:00 pm-??
Erik will get tickets and flyers printed in the next week or so, and will distribute to the board. Tickets will also be
available at the door.
Discussion was held about items for the silent auction. Info will be in the newsletter. Erik will talk with banks
about possibly getting money or a larger item for a raffle. Dave Arrington will supply leftover tickets from the fish
funding raiser for the raffles.

The next newsletter will go out the beginning of next week. Items to go in should be in to Pam so that it can be
prepared for printing by the end of this week.

Topics for the newsletter include: Fly Creek clean up, March fundraiser, Dues info and form, Survey, and bullet
points on fish stocking and catch and release promotion, 501C3, and sewer care.

Membership Committee:
This year’s goal will be to have half of the homes (which total @ 223) to be members of the association.
Dues will be due by March 1, and paid to David McIntosh. He will compile a list as of March 1, and will update as
additional dues come in. This info will be provided to Jay to put on the website.

Dead End Channel Grant:
The cost for this cleanup is estimated at $14,000-17,000, from a bid from Elmer Yoder.
We may be able to save some additional money by doing seeding ourselves.
All residents along the channel need to be dues paying members of the association.
The board has already committed to paying $500 toward this cleanup.
Dave Arrington will be applying for the grant in February, after we have secured the 501C3 status.
Elmer Yoder will be contacting the residents along the channel and farmers in the area for land on which to
dump the dirt.

Fish Stocking/Gizzard Shad problem:
Much research has been done by board members on fish stocking to counteract the shad problems. They have
looked into new suppliers, the cost and the best types and numbers of fish to stock.
Current wisdom suggests stocking Pike and Muskie in the fall, and smaller walleye than we have been in August.
We will not know the actual price of the Pike/Muskie until closer to stocking time, and will purchase amounts
based upon available funds. The suggestion is for 2 per acre of water, but up to 3-4 could be put in if they are

This coming spring, the DNR will conduct a survey of our lakes and shorelines to provide suggestions for where
and what kinds of fish habitats we could put in the lakes.

We will continue to stock the catfish that we received free of charge last year (thanks to representative Susan
Glick), and will continue to work toward getting on the DNR list for helping to stock walleye (which may take
about 5 years).

Ten signs to promote our catch and release program were purchased, and will be placed around the lake.

We did receive approval to place a communication box at the public landing on Fish Lake.

General discussion was held about other possibilities for fundraising, including a summer golf outing.
Respectfully submitted,
Pam Deetz

November 5, 2018 Board Meeting Minutes

Fish and Royer Lake Association Board Minutes

The Fish and Royer Lake Association Board met at 1350 S 525 E, LaGrange on November 5th
. Present were Erik Pearson,
Nancy Block, Robin McCue, Ron Lucas, Jan Nomina, Dave Schnieders and Pam Deetz. The meeting was called to order at
9:05 am.

The minutes of the previous meeting had been emailed out to the board. Nancy moved to accept them, Jan
seconded, and the minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s report:
Expenses: $7857.00 walleye; $167.00 website renewal; $154.00 newsletters; $1380.00 Legion=$9548.00
Current balances: General fund=$2585.72; Fish Stocking=$3733.00
Fundraiser took in about $4500 before expenses. About 129 people were in attendance.

We are up to 110 members.

Suggestions for future fund raisers:
Name tags
Follow up with music/entertainment after the meal and raffles.
March 2nd fundraiser:
March 2, 2019 at 6:00 pm at Carmen and Erik’s event center.
Open to the public
Heavy hors d’oeuvres
Raffles, Silent auction, possible live auction, entertainment/karaoke
$20 per ticket; printed on ticket “food/entertainment/booze” ?? Tickets will be available at the door. $Cash Bar$

To benefit general fund:
Board to consider a golf outing fundraiser for summer of 2019.

Ads previously sold will continue for 2019.
Next newsletter to go out after Christmas.
Discussed sending thank yous and Christmas greetings to advertisers.

Fish stocking:
3030 walleye were stocked in October.
Discussed putting up signs to promote “catch and release.” Dave S has looked into getting metal signs, and
believes we can get 10 for around $300-400. Ron moved that we put $350 into these signs, Nancy seconded and
the motion carried.
David M sent out a letter promoting “catch and release.” This will be included in the next newsletter.
Discussed finding a new supplier for fish, and looking into Pike (to be stocked in the fall, due to spawning habits).
We have 189 acres of lake, and 2 per acre is recommended.
5013C and related topics:

Nancy continues to work on getting our association this status, and this should be accomplished by the end of the year.

The bid for cleaning out the channel is at $17,000. The grant will pay @ 50% of this.

Nancy has the letter from surveyor, Rex Pranger. We discussed things we could do to lower this cost such as doing
the seeding ourselves.

Nancy brought up the issue of land erosion on the channel by Kozas. The culvert may need to be replaced. This is
a possible project for another grant application in the future. Residents on this channel are responsible for putting
up their own rock walls.

Nancy also brought up the possible need for liability insurance for the board. Erik will check into whether other lake
boards have this. Ron Hostetler insurance could be a source if needed.

Association dues raise:
Board members have received some feedback from residents regarding raising the dues to $40 per year. People do
seem open to the possibility of “levels” of dues.
We will have information in the next newsletter about the reasons for this raise in dues, with some sort of statement
such as “if you are uncomfortable with this raise, please contact a board member.” We do not want to lose members
due to the raise.

Fly Creek Clean-up:
There is a dispute between the DNR and the Surveyor’s office as to whether a permit is required for this clean up.
Dave S will look into this further.
No permit is apparently needed, per Ron, to take limbs out, so a group will be gathered to do this.

Erik said that association t shirts ($7-8) and hoodies ($14-15) could be made for us. We would do this on a pre-sale basis.
We may consider creating a lake association calendar for 2020. The cost per calendar is at it’s highest now.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 am.
Respectfully submitted,
Pam Deetz, secretary

2019 Essay

Pollution in the Great Lake: Pollution in the Great lakes is a MAJOR problem. It affects both Canada and the U.S., and has been a problem for 50 years. What are some of the solutions to this problem?

Include on cover page, what college or school you are attending, person who you are related to on Fish/Royer Lake, your address. Double space 500 words.

Questions e-mail me nancyblock09@ligtel.com

mail to or e-mail: Nancy Block

1785 S 445 E Lagrange In. 46761

Due August 23rd 2019

Recent News 11/06/18

The DNR stocked 3000 channel catfish in September and the F & R Lake Assn stocked 3000 walleye in October. Please remember, there is a voluntary catch and release of all walleye for the next few years. The state regulations’ state all walleye under 16″ must be released.


The F & R Lake Assn is presently working with the Lagrange County Surveyors office to clear East Fly Creek to facilitate drainage from our lakes. We will be asking for volunteers to assist with this project. At present we are awaiting permits.


A Winter Bash is scheduled for March 2, 2019 .  It will be held at All Occasions banquet hall,  located on Rte9 in Lagrange. The bash will include food, drinks, live music, raffles, and auction items. All proceeds will go to the F & R lake improvement projects fund. Please consider donating items for the raffles and auction,


That’s all for now, but we will update the site as news becomes available. Please feel free to post questions and comments.


F & R Lake Assn

Oct 19 Post

Dave Schnieders
October 19, 2018 at 11:07 pm Edit
While it is encouraging to see our membership up over 100, what do people on the lakes want from the lake association that would encourage more memberships. Communication is key to a strong lake association. Hopefully our lake people will voice their opinions and their concerns on our Facebook page or website so the association can address the issues. We have two beautiful lakes and it is going to take more than 50% involvement from our residents to keep our lakes healthy. Encourage your neighbors to join the association and voice their concerns.

Board Meeting Minutes from Sept 2018 and other good info


Friendly reminder to all Fish/Royer lake residents: Approximately 100 of the 220 residents have paid their 2018 annual $20 dues. If you have not yet paid, please send your check payable to “Fish/Royer Lake Association” and mail to
Dave McIntosh
Treasurer Fish/Royer Lake Assn
1207 N Meadow Lane
Muncie, IN 47304
Include your address, or addresses, whichever apply, and an email address for future communications.
Please also consider making a donation to our fish stocking program.
Pig Roast meeting notes and info will be online this week.
Thanks for all the good information from everyone.

Facebook page

We have a Facebook page titled “Fish and Royer Lake association”.  All residents are welcome to join. We will be updating this page and the website, which has the same name, as news becomes available.

Please note all Fish/Royer residents:
The pig roast is Sat Sept. 22 at the Hickory Hills public launch located on Royer Lake. All residents are welcome. Please see the calendar for more info.

Any and all other questions are welcomed.

